Reporting an Absence
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period. The quickest way to report or correct an absence is to log into Family Access or use the App.
If a student arrives after school starts or leaves early, a student will be marked absent for a portion of the day.
An automated email/phone/text message will be sent home indicating non arrival to school at 8:25 a.m. or 9:25 a.m on Late Start Wednesday.
Each evening, an automated email/phone/text message will be sent home at 4:30 p.m. indicating which periods a student was absence and tardy to each period.
An UNEXCUSED absence indicates a parent is not aware or has not notified the school with a reason for the student's absence. An EXCUSED absence indicates the parent/guardian has provided a reason to the school.
To learn more about the Attendance, please review Board Policy 3122.